Rock of Cashel Walk 2


Broadcaster Tracy Piggott undertakes a challenging and breathtaking set of waks in the Knockmealdown Mountains in Co.Tipperary.


Tracy Piggot

The Tipperary Heritage trails then goes along quiet country roads into Golden which brings Tracy back memory lane to when she lived here for four years and tells Cormac some of the legends of how the mountains they see around them got their names. They walk then along the River Suir rich in nature and historical remains to their final destination the Rock of Cashel; Ireland’s most spectacular medieval religious site. They both agreed it was a dramatic end to their walk.

Challenging national waymarked trail


Estimated Time
Estimated time: This can be broken into different lengths, it is completed on foot and takes a full day.

Terrain underfoot
Footpath, towpath, trail.

Total Height Climbed

Suitable for
A good level of fitness required for the whole walk.

Dogs under effective control allowed, please always clean up after your dog.